One thing that irks me (and really shouldn't) is when people try to instill hope in me that my chronic pain will get better. I know, deep down in my heart, they are coming from a place of genuine love and concern. They are trying to keep me going. Maybe this new drug or this new doctor really is the answer we've all been praying for. Or maybe it's just the simple statement, "I know you'll find the answer one day." The reason that this unsettles me so greatly is that no one can actually know that. I've already tried so many drugs, treatments, and different doctors, and in all honesty, the pain has just gotten worse. We don't actually know that I am going to find that miracle cure. We don't actually know that the pain will stop. We don't actually know that I am ever going to get better. That is my reality I'm trying to accept. Perhaps what my well-intentioned family and friends do not know, is that hope and I have a highly dysfunctional rel...
Empowering those afflicted with chronic pain